Taiwan and Spain Signed MOU on IPR Bilateral Cooperation.

E080916Y5 Oct. 2008(E107)

TIPO has reserved no efforts in seeking international cooperation with foreign IPR authorities and just successfully signed an MOU with Spain the other day.  An MOU with the UK IPR authority may follow in October 2008.  The negotiation with Belgium for a signed MOU is moving in progress.

The Taiwan-Spain MOU on IPR cooperation will be valid for a term of three years subject to extension to be agreed upon by the parties.  According to Wang Mei-Hua, Director of TIPO, a signed MOU on bilateral IPR cooperation activates exchanges and collaboration of the human, practical know-how and information resources of the parties thereby upgrades the quality of IPR.

In addition to Spain, the IPR authority of France, Australia and the Philippines each have signed a similar MOU with TIPO.

According to the signed MOU with Spain, the patent authorities of the two countries will exchange documents, practical know-how, and experience relating to IPR protection, scheduled visits, and hold a bilateral conference every two years to review and evaluate the achievements and draw up future action plan.  Also, the two countries will form a review board to follow up and evaluate the execution of the cooperation.  (2008.9)

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