Taiwan Technology Marketplace (TWTM) Platform Creating A Value of Over 400 Million.

E081120Y5 Dec. 2008(E109)

 The Taiwan Technology Marketplace (TWTM) established by the Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Technology Transfer and Service Center of ITRI has successfully integrated about hundred industries, academic organization, corporate foundation, and technical service manufacturer’s small platform.  TWTM further suggest forming strategic alliances between the following three categories of industries: information and communication; energy environment and biomedical, and electric and photonics.

 The ITRI in order to expedite the technology innovation efficiency and R&D achievements, the implementation of TWTM and Taiwan IP Management System has successfully brought together a total of 60 academic researches and technology licensing organizations, 20 well-known overseas patent technology service organizations and 17 technology service providers to implement the TWTM platform in order to create one big perfect platform for transferring/licensing of IP rights.  The consolidated efforts of joining the big/small platforms and technology service providers have completed 175 transactions of patent licensing by creating an investment value of about TWD420 million.  (2008.11)


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