1.2 Million Tablets of Counterfeit Drugs Seized in 23 Premises Nationwide.

E090715Y2 Aug. 2009(E117)

The Investigation Bureau’s investigation stations around the island conducted a nationwide raid action on 23 manufacturers, pharmacies, and erotic stores that have been engaged in making or selling prohibited drugs or fake Viagra and Cialis, etc., and seized a total of more than 1.2 million tablets of counterfeits, including near one thousand tablets of fake Viagra, and even those of Panadol, Centrum, and Viartril-S, which are presumed to have been imported from China. 

One the 23 raided premises searched by Tainan County Station was found holding a lot of counterfeit Chinese herbal medicines mainly sold at underground radio stations.  In addition, there was one anti-obesity clinic in Taipei County uncovered working with a pharmacy that dispensed the prescription to outpatients with counterfeit drugs;  a pharmacist Chen was found holding counterfeit Reductil in their astonishing number of 350 thousand capsules, which were seized and passed for examination, and 7,000 capsules of them were confirmed to be counterfeit.  (2009.07)

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