MOU Signed between Taiwan and Poland for Combating Drug Trafficking and Smuggling of Counterfeits.

E090721Y5・E090720Y5 Aug. 2009(E117)

On July 22, Taiwan and Poland signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to cooperate on fighting customs fraud.  Jacek Kapica, head of the Customs Service and Undersecretary of State in the Polish Ministry of Finance, Dariusz Jakub Wencel, deputy director-general of the Customs Service, and the rest of the visiting group arrived Taiwan on July 21 for a four days visit.  The MOU was signed between customs service of Taiwan and customs service of the Republic of Poland for combat of customs fraud on July 22.  Under the agreement, the two countries will exchange information on drug trafficking, smuggling of counterfeit products and other types of customs fraud.

During the visit in Taiwan, Polish customs’ delegation will visit Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Bureau of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taipei and Kaohsiung customs offices and a sniffer dog training center (among others) to better understand Taiwan’s customs practices and facilities for conducting raid actions.  (2009.07) 

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