Encouraging Consumer Protection Group Representing Consumers in Class Action – the Consumer Protection Commission Will Provide Aid Beforehand.

E090714Y6 Aug. 2009(E117)

In order to protect consumers’ rights and interests, consumer protection officer has requested consumer protection group representing the consumers to file class action.  However, in consideration that most of the consumer protection groups are not financially viable, the Consumer Protection Commission has decided to maintain granting incentive (for each court instance an incentive of TWD100,000-200,000 will be granted, but the incentive amount may be increased for special incidents) and also to provide aid for consumer protection group in the class action before the action begins.  In other words, the Consumer Protection Commission will provide aid to the consumer protection group representing the consumers in the class action.  The aid may range from TWD200,000-500,000 per court instance (including the execution of the final court decision with binding effects).  (2009.07)

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