TWSE Set up Japanese Website to Attract Japanese Investors And Public Listing of Japanese Corporations.

E090731Y8・E090730Y8 Aug. 2009(E117)

The TWSE launched its Japanese website on 31 July 2009:  This is the third Japanese stock exchange website administered in Asia outside Japan, following that administered by the KSE and the SET.  TWSE hopes to attract Japanese investors to invest in Taiwan and Japanese corporations to have their stocks traded on the TWSE.

Public information available on TWSE’s Japanese website includes Real-time Index Chart, About the TWSE, Historical Trading Info/Data, Corporate Governance, Listing in Taiwan by Foreign Issuers, Products and Services, Indices & Licensing, Listed Securities, Investor Education, New Comers, Foreign Investment, etc.  The TWSE requests Nomura Research Institute, the leading institute in the field of Japanese securities research for its services to assist in selecting the potential Japanese corporations to invite to public listing on the TWSE.  (2009.07)

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