Establishment of Special Construction Court by the Taipei District Court Will Be Postponed.

E090830Y9 Sep. 2009(E118)

Taipei District Court planned to establish Special Construction Court on 1 January 2010.  However, as the Judicial Yuan decided to hold training classes for the specialized judges (9 judges), the establishment of the court will be postponed till around February or March of 2010.

On 31 March 2009, the Legislative Yuan passed the third reading for a revision of the Construction Industry Act, adding a provision, in Article 67-1, to the effect that the Judicial Yuan should order the establishment of a special construction court, allowing judges having specialized knowledge or trial experience with respect to construction-related cases, to adjudicate construction-dispute litigations.

After the revision is passed, the Judicial Yuan immediately order the Taipei District Court for establishment of the Special Construction Court in August 2009 in order to handle around 400 cases of construction-related civil disputes each year.  (2009.08)

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