ITRI and JST Signed a Cooperation Memorandum to Promote IP-Based Trading.

E090929Y5 Oct. 2009(E119)

In the “International Technology Transfer Experience Sharing Seminar” held on 25 September 2009, the Industrial Development Bureau of MOEA and the Technology Transfer and Service Center of ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) signed a memorandum of cooperation with Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) for the purpose of enhancing cooperation with international technology service organizations and promote an international platform for IP-based trading.

JST, established in 2003, is the core executive organization of the “Science and Technology Basic Plan” of Japan.  Through this memorandum, the Industrial Development Bureau expects to invigorate Taiwan-Japan cooperation and development of technology transfer and commercialization. 

More than 3,000 items of patents and technologies and 21 IP services’ participation have been recruited from the industry, the government, and the academic circle for the 2009 “Intellectual Property Circulation and Application Plan”, with the view to giving a big push to completion of more successful cases of technology transfer.  (2009.09)

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