750 Counterfeiting Golf Clubs Uncovered and Seized by the Customs.

E091028Y2・E091028Y6 Nov. 2009(E120)

The inspector of Keelung Customs Office Wudu Branch recently uncovered and seized 750 golf clubs which were made in China.  These golf clubs are suspected of infringing upon the PGA TOUR products with an estimated market value of around NTD2 million.

The Customs Office indicated that no detail was stated with respect to the trademark of the golf clubs in question on the import declaration.  However, upon inspection, the officer in charge noted that the golf clubs in issue all bear the PGA PLAYER device and are suspected of trademark infringement.  According to the Operational Directions for Customs Authorities in Implementing Measures for Protecting the Rights and Interests of Patent, Trademark and Copyright, the inspector duly informed the trademark right holder to identify the relevant device.  Based on the authorized trademark agent’s examination report, the products in question are confirmed to be counterfeit products and were seized accordingly by operation of applicable laws.

In order to implement border control measures for the protection of intellectual property rights and improving Taiwan’s national image, enforcement against anti-counterfeiting products has always been one of the major tasks for the customs authorities.  By operation of Article 39-1 of the Customs Anti-smuggling Act, after the trademark right holder confirms the alleged counterfeit products to be counterfeits, a fine equivalent to one to three times the value of the cargoes will be imposed on the importer or exporter in question, and the cargoes shall be confiscated.  Under the current criminal punishment system, the illegal act doer(s) will be transferred to judicial organizations for further investigation for violation of the Trademark Act.  (2009.10)

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