The Applications of Trademark Act -- GI Certification Mark and GI Collective Membership Mark in Taiwan.

E091019Y2 Nov. 2009(E120)

The protection measures of geographical indication (GI) protection in Taiwan are regulated in Trademark Act.  According to Taiwan Trademark Act, the applicant can seek registration of a geographical origin certification mark and collective membership mark of local agricultural products.

Chi-Shang Rice (Chinese: 池上米), a certification mark, is Taiwan’s earliest application seeking protection of GI mark.  During recent years, TIPO and Council of Agriculture have coordinated and spent significant efforts in promoting the registrations of GI marks, their result can be evidenced by the increasing list of certification marks indicating the place of origin of the products such as A-Li-Shan High Mountain Tea (Chinese: 阿里山高山茶), Lu-Gu Dong Ding Oolong Tea (Chinese: 鹿谷涷頂烏龍茶), Jhuoshuei Rice (Chinese: 濁水米), Wen Shan Bao Zhong Tea (Chinese: 文山包種茶), Penghu You Xian Seafood (Chinese: 澎湖優鮮海產) (among others).  Meanwhile, registered collective membership marks indicating the place of origin include Guan-Miau Pineapple (Chinese: 關廟鳳梨), Lalashan Peach (Chinese: 拉拉山水蜜桃), and Hegang Pomelo (Chinese: 鶴岡文旦), etc.; whereas the Darjeeling Black Tea (Chinese: 大吉嶺紅茶) is an example of well-known India GI certification mark which is also under Taiwan’s protection.  As of date, Taiwan has granted in total a number of 14 GI certification marks and 7 GI collective membership marks.  Currently, there are still 6 applications pending for reviewing, such as: Yujing Mango (Chinese: 玉井芒果), Madou Pomelo (Chinese: 麻豆文旦), Guantian Water Caltrop (Chinese: 官田菱角), and a Chinese GI - Puerh Tea (Chinese: 普洱茶), etc.

The TIPO, Council of Agriculture, and European Economic and Trade Office hosted the EU-Taiwan 2009 Seminar on Geographical Indication and Trademark on 19-20 October 2009.  This seminar can be seen as a demonstration of successful governmental and non-governmental efforts in promoting registrations of GI marks and trademark registrations.  Around noon, Taiwan and European domestic snacks and well-known agricultural products such as Chi-Shang Rice & Vegetable Roll, A-Li-Shan Mountain Tea, Italian Wine, Scotch Whisky, Dutch Cheese, and French Champagne, etc. are served and well-received among the participants. (2009.10)

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