IPR Police Uncovered Illegal Sale of Pirated Video Game Disks.

E091124Y2・E091124Y3 Dec. 2009(E121)

Sale of pirated video game disks (PS2, Wii, x-box) has become outrageous as a result of the culturally and economically evolution of “otaku economy” (at-home consumption) that has moved into mainstream after the sweepingly financial turmoil.  The IPR Police acted upon a report to uncover a suspect surnamed Pan, who mass wholesales all kinds of pirated video game disks at the unit price of NTD200 per piece as the biggest supplier to the TV game console stores in Taipei area.

The special task force of IPR Police has kept Pan under long-term surveillance, finding that Pan operated his business by having the disks duplicated in China, air transported to Taiwan, further packed by Pan, and finally sold to game console stores or retailed to general consumers.  To cover such illegal acts, Pan would first collect deposit for each order and have the ordered disks delivered by his employees by motorcycle.  After the police’s round-the-clock investigation and surveillance for six months, IPR Police’s task force located the warehouse where Pan hid pirated disks, and seized therefrom more than 20,000 pieces of pirated disks  (PS2, Wii, x-box) involving the market value of NTD30 million and more.  Pan said that he has made a steady monthly income of more than NTD1 million by selling some thousand pieces of pirated disks to TV game console stores in Taipei area.  This matter was subsequently referred to the prosecution’s investigation in accordance with Taiwan Copyright Act and Taiwan Trademark Act. (2009.11)

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