Coordinated inspection by the Taiwanese government on imported goods uncovered vast cases of false marking of origin.

E100604Y2 Jul. 2010(E128)

The united brigade of inspection on peculiar imported goods under the ministry of economic affair has lately conducted seven counts of joint inspection on suspicious goods in the northern, mid-area and southern part of Taiwan. Inspection and seizure were conducted in Taipei, Kilung, Xizhi, Zhongli, Miaoli, Taizhong and Jiayi respectively, and have captured over four thousand items, including apparel, towels and others, that  involve false marking of origin or tricky labeling. Upon confirming the seedy situations, the authority has instantly, according to Article 16 of Product Labeling Law, ordered the entities handling such falsely marked goods to clear off the goods at issue from the shelves. If the enterprise fails to follow the order, a fine of NT 20,000 to NT 200,000 could be imposed on it.

The types of violation could be categorized into the following classes:
1. While the machine sewing thread marks indicate 「MADE IN HONGKONG」、「MADE IN THE KOREA」and「MADE IN VIETNAM」, the labels point out the product origin as Taiwan;
2. While the machine sewing thread marks indicate 「China Made」「Japan Made」「Korea Made」, the labels indicate 「Taiwan Made」「Hong-Kong Made」or「transported from Korea or Hong-Kong」;
3. While the machine sewing thread marks indicate 「Taiwan Made」, yet the labels indicate 「imported from Japan, H.K., Korea」 ;
4. The machine sewing thread marks are clipped while another sewing mark of 「H.K. Made」is added, yet the labels indicate 「Made under Supervision in Taiwan」; 
5. While the importing entity is marked, the origin of the product is indicated as 「Taiwan」;
6. The markings of the product per se and its package differ from each other, which involves either false marking or tricky marking passing off as products made in foreign countries;
7. Goods without any markings.  (2010.06)

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