IDB Promotes Preparation of Intellectual Property Reports.

E100611Y5 Jul. 2010(E128)

Industrial Development Bureau of Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs entrusts Science and Technology Law Center of the Institute for Information Industry to promote implementation of TIPS (Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System) in local businesses and enterprises.  There have been over one thousand businesses or enterprises using TIPS to examine their IP management.

For implementation of TIPS, a mechanism of intellectual property report is formulated after a thorough survey on around 500 venture capitalists and banks and a study on foreign IP management systems have been conducted so as to have a clear picture about what IP information most investors want to know.  The content of intellectual property reports will enable enterprises or businesses to not only reveal their operation or strategies for corporate value increase, but also provide venture capital, banking, securities industries, and other investors with correct and detailed information.  Such information can be taken as reference for people to analyze the development potential and also market value of an enterprise or business.

In addition, businesses or enterprises can use intellectual property reports to conduct periodical examination on their business operation and IP output and to change IP strategies so as to keep enhancing the efficiency of IP management. 

For encouraging preparation of intellectual property reports by local businesses and enterprises, the government launched a mechanism of preparation of intellectual property reports and held formal promotion activities on selection of intellectual property reports.  NTD90,000 cash reward is granted to the enterprise participants that pass examination and selection.  As it is the first-ever promotion activity, any enterprise participants which have passed documentary examination can also have a cash reward of NTD3,000.  (2010.06)

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