The IP protection police brigade has uncovered a pirate disk pressing hub of record scale, with pirated output market value hitting over US$ three million.

E100612Y6 Jul. 2010(E128)

An IP police officer’s incidental encounter with a newspaper leaflet advertizing disks with pirated contents has successfully led to the unearthing of a massive pirating disk pressing hub in Taiwan recently.

It took the proactive police officer and his colleagues over three months of secretive tracing and detecting before the warrant was issued at the high time for the action. The principle suspect Lin was arrested at the raid, while over three hundred disk drivers used for burning pirated disks and over 100,000 pieces of pirating disks are captured at the same police raid. Among the disks, there are pirated DVDs of currently showing newly released movies, Wii game disks, teaching programs, music contents, hardcore porno clips, Cartoons, serial dramas from Japan, H.K. and Korea and whatever could be found at the pirate market. Reckoning from the facility seized, the hub should have had a daily output capacity of more than three thousand pirated disks, and the monthly net revenue could have reached millions, while the total value of infringed genuine contents is measured to reach US$ three million.

It is reported that the principle suspect Lin has been running this pirating disk pressing hub for over two years, and the marketing outlets have grown pervasive all over Taiwan, enjoying a clientele of tens of thousands. To cover up its operations, suspect Lin would use cell phone lines applied with third party’s account and title to take orders, and deliver the goods through innocent courier services and operated on pay upon delivery system. The suspects were also diversifying the bases of their operations in multiple locations to elude authority’s surveillance. The DM were printed in Taoyuan, and the pirating merchandises were shipped out in Zhubei of Xinzhu, while the label pressing plant is located in Miaoli. Yet it fatefully turned out to be the branch of IP police brigade in Jiayi that dealt this pirating group with a deadly stroke. (2010.06)

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