Power Quotient International (PQI) Shall Award Damages of NT$16 Million to Netac Technology Co., Ltd. for the Traveling Disks Infringement Case.

E100906Y1 Oct. 2010(E131)

Netac Technology Co., Ltd. (Netac), a Mainland China-based memory supplier, filed a complaint against PQI, a Taiwan-based memory supplier, of infringement in Taiwan.  After the case was heard for over three years, the Taiwan Banciao District Court held that the traveling disks produced by PQI infringed upon Netac’s patent and PQI should be held liable for paying damages in the amount of NT$16 million.

The first infringement complaint filed by a Mainland China-based supplier against a Taiwan-based supplier made a big splash among the industries.  In fact, before Netac filed complaint against PQI, it has filed infringement complaints against many technology suppliers in Mainland China and SONY, a Japan-based supplier.  In these actions, Netac either won the suit or reached settlement with the defendants and then became the supplier of products eventually.

Reportedly, the Patent No. I237264 acquired by Netac in Taiwan refers to the “multi-function semi-conductor storage device and method to activate the computer host”.  Netac’s licensee, Fu-Er Technology (Chinese: 福爾科技), purchased the traveling disks produced by PQI three years ago and then delivered the disks to NTU Industrial Research Institute for assessment.  As a result, the assessment report showed that the disks in dispute infringed upon Netac's patent.  (2010.09)

Docket Number:  Panchiao District Court (96) Chong-Zhi-Ze No. 14

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