Qualcomm to Put in about USD1 Billion to Build mirasolTM Displays in Taiwan.

E110104X5 Feb. 2011(E135)

Qualcomm is to put in nearly USD1 billion to build in the Long Tan Industrial Park in XinZhu the world’s first fab of medium- and small-size mirasolTM displays.  This will be Qualcomm’s first major investment in Taiwan.

Taiwan recognized as one of the world’s key IT manufacturer players has been considered an important indicator of the industry.  Qualcomm, one of the world’s leading IT equipment manufacturers, has closely worked with Taiwanese fellow industry.  In view of the emerging handheld electronic devices market (such as e-books), Qualcomm has successfully developed the low-power high-reflective mirasolTM display with its MEMS manufacturing process.

With the Qualcomm mirasolTM display fab, Taiwan’s display manufacturing chain is now complete and this will help upgrade Taiwan’s flat panel display technologies and advantage Taiwan in developing next generation displays.  (2011.01)

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