Intel-Trans Lost Trademark Infringement Suit against Its English Company Name on Third Remanded Trial.

E110107Y2 Feb. 2011(E135)

Intel Corporation sued Intel-Trans Co., Ltd. in 2005 for infringement upon the Intel mark, Intel-Trans being a local shipping agent who has provided services under the Intel-Trans designation which is also its registered mark.  The suit continued for years and the Taiwan Intellectual Property Court found in favor of Intel again on the third remanded trial. (Intellectual Property Court judgment of case 99-Min-Shang-Shang-Gong(3) No. 3 [2010])

According to the IP Court judgment, Intel-Trans has used Intel’s registered Intel mark for its English company name and trade name in violation of the Trademark Act.  Also, Intel-Trans’s use of the Intel mark to represent its services leading the consumer to form the mistaken belief in there being certain connection between Intel-Trans and Intel Corporation constitutes an unfair trade practice.  Furthermore, the services Intel-Trans provides for business fall into the scope of the specification of the registration of the Intel service mark, which fact renders the two companies competitors in the trade and will result in confusion to the relevant consumers.  The IP Court therefore also holds that Intel-Trans has acted in violation of the Fair Trade Act.  (2011.01)

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