TIPO Adjusts Trademark Application Fees.

E110125Y2 Feb. 2011(E135)

The amendments to the Regulations of Trademark Official Fees were amended and promulgated on December 27, 2010 and took effect from February 1, 2011.  The key points of the amendments are summarized as follows. 

I. Application filing fees for registration of trademarks or collective trademarks

The new filing fee structure is based on the number of designated goods or designated services.  That is, the filing fee for up to 20 designated goods in Classes 1-34 will be NTD 3,000 for each class, and there will be a surcharge of NT200 for each additional item per class.  For services in Classes 35-45, the fee remains at NTD 3,000 per class, but there will be a new NTD 500 surcharge for each additional item placed under the “Retail” scope in Class 35.

II. Fee reduction for electronic application for trademark registration

Where an applicant files an application electronically, there will be a fee reduction of NTD 300 for each registration application.  In addition, new provisions are added that additional NTD 300 will be reduced for each class for any applicant who lists names of commodities or services completely in accordance with the reference provided in the electronic application system.  This fee reduction, however, is not applicable to registration applications for collective marks or certification marks because these marks do not represent commodities or services.

III. New provisions of fee refund for trademark renewal registration

As for the fee of NTD 4,000 for trademark renewal application to be paid within 6 months before expiration of the trademark right, or that of NTD 8,000 to be paid within 6 months after expiration, the required fees remain unchanged but they will be refundable in full amount if an applicant withdraws the application before a notification of renewal approval is made.  (2011.01)

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