Copyright of “The Moon Speaks of My Mind” Reverted to Author.

E110112Y3 Feb. 2011(E135)

The lyric writer of the classic love songs, including “The Moon Speaks of My Mind”, Sun Yi, found two years ago that the copyright of more than one hundred songs created by him unbelievably remained vested in his former employer, Leico Record Factory Co., Ltd., instead of him.  He initiated an action with the IP court, claiming recovery of the copyright of these songs, and won the suit finally.  Notwithstanding, the case is still appealable for the time being. (Source: Civil judgment rendered by IP Court under case No. 99-Min-Zhu-Su-37 [2010])

Sun Yi initiated the action for declaration of non-existence of copyright with the IP court in September 2010, because he found, after being subpoenaed to testify in the hearing in Taiwan with respect to Leico Record Factory Co., Ltd.’s (Leico) charging against a Hong Kong-based song copyright intermediary organization of infringement as investigated by Taipei District Prosecutors Office, that Leico had already registered itself as the copyright owner of these songs based on the “Deed of Copyright Assignment” signed by him and his old partner, Weng Qing-Xi.

The judge rendered the judgment in favor of Sun Yi, because Sun Yi claimed that he did not assign the copyright to Leico and also denied that he had signed on the deed of copyright assignment.  (2011.01)

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