The Third 2010 Report on “Investment Environment Risk Evaluation” Investment Environment in Taiwan Ranked 2nd in Asia.

E110125Y8 Feb. 2011(E135)

In its third (December) 2010 report on “Investment Environment Risk Evaluation” published by the U.S.-based Business Environment Risk Intelligence (BERI), Taiwan received a Profit Opportunity Recommendation (POR) score of 71, ranked fourth globally and second in Asia.  Among the 50 countries surveyed in the report, Taiwan ranked only behind Singapore, Switzerland, and Norway.

The BERI issues “Investment Environment Risk Assessment Report” in April, August and December each year.  Taiwan’s ranking advanced from No. 5 in the world as of April last year to No. 4 and preserve its fourth-place ranking until now.  In the meantime, the total score goes up by one point to 71 and maintains the said score from 70 in August 2010.

Comparing with the other Asian countries under surveyed, Taiwan’s ranking is better than Japan’s ranking of No.6.  In the meantime, Taiwan’s ranking is far better than China’s No. 15 and South Korea’s No. 19.

According to the report, Taiwan was rated as a 1B country, which indicates “a region suitable for investment”.  (2011.01)

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