Philips’ appeal sustained; FTC withdraw its decision for CD licensing case, said Administrative Appeal Commission

E011129Y4 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source: Economic Daily News 11/29/2001
Translated by Jem Chung

 In the case where Philips, Sony and Taiyo Yuden were suspected of coordinated monopolization for their CD licensing activity in Taiwan, the FTC had severally imposed a fine of several million dollars on the said foreign countries according to the Fair Trade Law.  This case, which was regarded as an index in the development of our CD industry, had been the attention of elected representatives and the government officials.  However, Philips was dissatisfied with the FTC’s above decision and filed an appeal with the Executive Yuan.  The Administrative Appeal Commission of the Executive Yuan recently made the decision sustaining Philips’s appeal based on the reason that the FTC did not have sufficient reasons to render the said decision.  The FTC shall withdraw the said decision accordingly.

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