Counterfeit Long-Life cigarettes in Mainland China technically supported by Taiwan

E011118Y6・E011106Y6 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source: Liberty Times 11/18/2001
Liberty Times 11/06/2001
Translated by Corrina Wu

 The police have attached smuggled cigarettes successively in recent days, including Long-Life, Seven Stars, Davidoff and so on.  The preliminary investigation showed that these counterfeit cigarettes were all sourced from Mainland China.  The police revealed that the counterfeit Long-Life cigarettes smuggled into Taiwan almost accounted for one-thirds of the market of Long-Life cigarettes in Taiwan.  This becomes a very serious problem.  The police suspected that some retired officials of the Tobacco & Wine Monopoly Bureau might have headed for Mainland China to help produce counterfeit Long-Life cigarettes.  The police is now conducting an in-depth investigation in this regard.

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