Biotechnological Association established to help integration of resources

E011106Y5 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source: Liberty Times 11/06/2001
Translated by Corrina Wu

 The “Improvement Association of Taiwan’s Biotechnological Industry” which was originated by 69 Taiwan-based biotechnological manufacturers was established formally yesterday.  President Chen Shui-bian was present in the convention of establishment to deliver a speech, anticipating that the establishment of the Association can create an intensive interactive network for the government and the private, academic and enterprise so as to speed up the development of Taiwan’s biotechnological industry.  President Chen Shui-bian pointed that in the 21st century the world is facing the 3rd industrial revolution focusing on the knowledge economy and how Taiwan can secure the competitive advantage in the high-tech information industry is a very important issue for the time being.

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