First DVD+RW launched by Ricoh; DVD-RW faced threat

E011102Z5 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source:  Commercial Times 11/02/2001 
Translated by Joanne Lue

 The competition among DVD-RW products has reached climax in the second half of this year. After the specification were confirmed, there have not been any DVD+RW products except the one first launched by Ricoh, the manufacturer who dominates the specifications.  Although the DVD+RW product was presented to the public slightly later than the other two specifications DVD-RW and DVD-RAM, it tends to catch up from behind.  Currently, the global giant PC manufacturers Dell and HP have confirmed to support the new specification. As soon as the DVD+RW product was launched, it was fully supported by Dell and HP. Compaq which originally supported DVD-RW and will soon merge with HP is expected to veer round. It is obvious that the camps of DVD+RW products will strengthen more than before.

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