Pirated software exceeding US$100 m sold to the U.S.; companies involved uncovered by the law enforcement agencies

E011124Y6 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source: Liberty Times 11/24/2001
Translated by Jem Chung

 For the investigation of 100-million-worth counterfeit software smuggled to the U.S., the law enforcement agencies yesterday launched a large-scale search and interview specifically on Bi Ying Technology and Chung Di Technology, which specialize in CD replication.  The Investigation Bureau expressed that the said counterfeits should be burnt by Chung Di Technology and exported by Bi Ying Technology, judging from the materials such as bills of lading provided by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the evidence seized in the search yesterday, including color separation card and the original master. 

 The staff of Microsoft Corp. in the U.S. are immensely appreciative of the collective efforts of the law enforcement in breaking this case so quickly.  They have also decided to file a complaint against the suspects for the violation of the Copyright Law, the Trademark Law, and for the offense of forging instruments.  They will jointly lodge a civil complaint to claim a big compensatory amount. 

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