Executive Yuan passed the bill of an agreement on mutual judicial assistance between Taiwan and U.S.A.

E011122Y9 Dec. 2001(E28)

Source: Liberty Times 11/22/2001
Translated by Joanne Lue

 The Executive Yuan yesterday (21st) passed the bill of “Agreement on Mutual Criminal Judicial Assistance between Taipei Economic & Cultural Office, U.S.A. and American Institute in Taiwan” and will send the bill to the Legislative Yuan for examination.  The execution of the specified agreement may facilitate exchange of both parties’ judicial systems and cooperation to strike at crimes.

 The main points of the specified agreement are about the following matters: the scope and restriction of assistance, the designated representative, the forms and contents of requests and execution, burden of expenses, restriction of purposes, testimony or evidence from the territory of the requested party and the records from both parties’ territories, transferring under escort persons who were put under arrest by the competent authority in the territory of the requested party, testifying in the territory of the requesting party, whereabouts or identification of persons or exhibits, service of documents, return of exhibits, assistance in procedures of confiscation, agreed relations and consultation.

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