Sale of Counterfeit Luxury Goods on LINE

E140830Y2 Oct. 2014(E179)

The Investigation Unit III of the Criminal Investigation Corps under the Special Police Second Headquarter acted upon a report in March 2014 to uncover and seize 200 and more counterfeit branded luxury goods bearing the Chanel, Burberry, Prada, LV, and OMEGA marks which were sold by a woman surnamed Xia in Kaohsiung City by posting trickery advertisements indicating “genuine leather goods” on Line’s timeline.  These seized counterfeit luxury goods involved the estimated value of more than TWD7 million.

According to the said Unit, Xia had once sold counterfeit goods on Yahoo auction website and her Yahoo account has been suspended since January 2014, which caused her to continue selling counterfeit goods on Line’s timeline and took advantage of the Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day to promote her goods. 

Xia told the police that she purchased these counterfeit goods from for sale on Line’s timeline by posting photos thereof to gain overwhelmingly high profits. This matter has been referred to relevant prosecutors office for Xia’s violation of the Taiwan Trademark Act. (September 2014)

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