Statistics of Patent Applications Taking Advantage of the TW-SUPA Pilot Program During the Period from January 2014 through October 2014

E141117Y1 Dec. 2014(E181)

According to Taiwan IPO’s statistics, there had been a total of 416 invention patent applications filed under the TW-SUPA examination program (TW-Support Using the PPH Agreement) in the period beginning from January through October 2014, and the industries of electric power measurement and light and storage device contributed the biggest share of these applications.  Most of the applications eligible for the Taiwan-Japan priority documents exchange program (hereinafter “PDX program”) came from the sectors of machinery, daily supplies, chemical engineering.

Further, the first office action had been issued for 248 of the above-mentioned 416 applications in an average of 94.3 days (Among the 248 applications, 191 applications whose TW-SUPA entry was based on a request for participating in the Taiwan-Japan PDX program, 42 based on a request for priority documents, and 15 based on the applicant’s request), and 13 applications had been approved and granted. 

Among the 191 applications Taiwan IPO had voluntarily handled under the TW-SUPA pilot program due to a request for taking advantage of the Taiwan-Japan PDX program, 22 of them came from the machinery sector, 44 from daily supplies sector, 22 from semi-conductor sector, 10 from information sector, 5 from communication sector, 23 from electric power measurement sector and light and storage device sector, 10 from biopharmaceutical sector, 32 from chemical engineering sector, and 23 from the liquid-crystal optoelectronic sector.  As to the 42 applications Taiwan IPO had also voluntarily handled under the TW-SUPA pilot program due to a request for priority documents, 2 of them originated from daily supplies sector, 3 from semi-conductor sector, 11 from information sector, 12 from communication sector, 2 from the electric power measurement sector and light and storage device sector, 10 from biopharmaceutical sector, and 2 from the liquid-crystal optoelectronic sector.  As to the 15 applications that were categorized under the TW-SUPA pilot program upon the applicant’s request, they were all from the electric power measurement sector and light and storage device sector. 

In addition, the 13 granted applications originated from daily supplies sector (2), information sector (1), communication sector (2), electric power measurement sector and light and storage device sector (3), biopharmaceutical sector (1), chemical engineering sector (1), and liquid-crystal optoelectronic sector (3).  TW-SUPA entry of 11 of the 13 approved applications was triggered upon the request for taking advantage of the Taiwan-Japan PDX program.  (November 2014)

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