TAITRA Inked MOU with Makuhari Messe to Strengthen Strategic Cooperation

E150320Y8・E150320Z8 Apr. 2015(E185)

To step up interchange and communication of convention and exhibition industries between Taiwan and Japan, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) has been actively promoting cooperation with Makuhari Messe by successfully signing a memorandum of understanding on March 19, 2015.

Makuhari Messe is a Japanese convention center opened in 1989 in Chiba prefecture with an attempt to enhance the development of convention and exhibition industry and district economy of Japan.  A further exhibition hall of Makuhari Messe was completed in 1997.  It is the second largest convention center in Japan behind only Tokyo Big Sight. 

TAITRA has been cooperating with Makuhari Messe for years and has participated in the well-known international exhibitions and the three leading international exhibitions of every industry held at Makuhari Messe, such as, the International Plastic Fair (IPF), Tokyo Game Show (TGS), FOODEX, and CEATEC Japan. 

As indicated in TAITRA’s press release, the convention and exhibition industry has been developing into globalization and mutual collaboration among international communities.  After signing the MOU, TAITRA and Makuhari Messe will work together to facilitate the development of the convention and exhibition industries around the world by mutually offering privileged rental, joint advertisement and promotion, and exhibition agency.  (March 2015)

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