Louis Vuitton Malletier’s Success in Trademark Lawsuit at Taiwan IP Court

E150412Y2 May. 2015(E186)

Louis Vuitton Malletier, commonly known and referred to as Louis Vuitton, pressed charges against a Taiwan-based company, “台灣路易斯威頓股份有限公司” (the said “company”) for the latter’s using a Chinese corporate name similar to that of Louis Vuitton, “路易威登馬爾悌耶公司”, and also for using “Apple Vuitton” as its corporate representation and a similar device mark on its company signboard on the outside wall of its office building.  Further, the said company made the following descriptions on its online store and in the want ad, “Apple Vuitton sells Apple and Louis Vuitton products”, “ imports internationally well-known branded garments, bags, shoes, perfumes, and accessories”, and also “provides brand new branded products and sells used branded products”, which are able to form confusion among consumers. 

Taiwan IP Court heard this case and decided that the said company should be prohibited from using any Chinese characters identical or similar to “路易威登”, “路易斯威頓” or any other Chinese characters whose Chinese pronunciation similar to “Louis Vuitton” as a specific part of its corporate name. Further, the said company should change its corporate name into the one that does not include the Chinese characters identical or similar to “路易威登”, “路易斯威頓” or any other Chinese characters whose Chinese pronunciation similar to “Louis Vuitton”.  Moreover, the said company should remove the above-mentioned signboard.  This judgment is appealable.  (April 2015)

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