Two Suspects Decrypt B-CAS Tuner Cards of Japan to Gain Profits

E150828Y3・E150827Y3 Sep. 2015(E190)

The International Criminal Affairs Division under the Taiwan Criminal Investigation Bureau (hereinafter the said “Division”) uncovered two brothers, surnamed Chen, who purchased a lot of legal B-CAS TV tuner cards of Japan and decrypted the protection system thereof, so that people with such decrypted B-CAS card can watch all channels broadcasted via satellite in Japan.  Also, the two suspects took advantage of, Ruten auction website, Yahoo auction website and established blogs and also leased the space at CheckFUN stores to display these decoded B-CAS cards for sale.  Since May 2012, the two suspects have sold almost 3000 pieces of B-CAS cards at the price of JPY20,000~30,000 per card from Taiwan to Japan and TWD2,000~3,000 per card in Taiwan.  In Japan, the payment status of the holder of a legal version of B-CAS card decides what channels the B-CAS card can access and also the time limit thereof.  However, the illegal B-CAS cards allow people to view all channels broadcasted via satellite in Japan until year 2038.

Relevant Japanese broadcast service providers filed a complaint against the two suspects for protecting their copyrights.  Thus, the said Division and relevant enforcement authorities of Japan have exchanged information and gathered evidence to have this matter investigated by New Taipei District Prosecutors Office.  On August 26, 2015, the said Division worked with the police of New Taipei City to initiate a raid in Tucheng District of New Taipei City, Shilin District of Taipei City, and Douliu City of Yunlin County to apprehend the two suspects and seized from them more than 800 B-CAS cards, satellite receiver, card reader, apparatus for decryption, value of which is estimated to be around TWD10 billion.   The two suspects were referred to relevant prosecutors office for investigation of Taiwan Copyright Act violation and offense of document foregery.  (August 2015)

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