TaiMed Biologics Inc.’s new AIDS drug expected to hit the market in 2016

E151104Y5 Nov. 2015(E192)

TaiMed Biologics Inc.’s new AIDS drug, TMB-355 for intravenous injection, is now undergoing the phase-three clinical trials on a smaller scale.  It is expected that TaiMed Biologics Inc. can successfully apply for a drug permit with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the new drug to enter the international market in 2016.

According to TaiMed Biologics Inc., the ongoing phase-two clinical trials for the TMB-355 given by subcutaneous injection will be concluded and the TMB-355 for subcutaneous injection will go into phase-three clinical trials as long as a drug permit is granted.  It is expected that a smaller scale of clinical trials on 10-15 patients for the TMB-355 given by subcutaneous injection will be sufficient and the new drug may be able to hit the market one year right after launch of the TMB-355 for intravenous injection.

There have been about 30 kinds of AIDS new drugs approved by the FDA, including the three new ones that have been approved in the past five years.  Due to the lack of new drugs for AIDS treatment and the long-acting injection drugs being highly valued, TaiMed Biologics Inc.’s TMB-355 is very much anticipated.  The yearly sales volume of TMB-355, if successfully launched, is estimated to reach USD0.1-0.15 billion.  (October 2015)

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