2015 Trademark registration applications soar to record highs and Chinese applications outnumber the US and Japan

E160203Y2・E160202Y2 Mar. 2016(E196)

Taiwan IPO had received a total of 78,523 trademark registration applications throughout 2015, which number of applications hits the record high and marks a 3.4% yearly increase.  Contrary to the yearly growth in application number, Taiwan IPO has further reduced their average examination pendency time to the lowest 7.5 months as a result of its active and continued efforts in the past five years.

In terms of applicant’s nationality, numbers of applications filed by Taiwanese nationals (57,356) and those filed by foreign nationals (21,167) both increased if compared with those of 2014.  It is noticeable that there was a 7.4% increase in the applications filed by foreign nationals, greater than that of Taiwanese nationals and comprising 27% of the total applications.  In addition, among the top five foreign applicants, China jumped to the top by 3,919 applications, surpassing the US and Japan.  Except for the US, Asian countries are more active in expanding portfolios in Taiwan.  (February 2016)

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