TUC to file an appeal against a US patent ruling favoring Isola

E160321Y1・E160320Y1 Apr. 2016(E197)

The Taiwan-based CCL maker (cooper clad laminate), Taiwan Union Technology Corporation (TUC) announced that on March 20, 2016 the jury in the U.S. District Court for District of Arizona decided on the lawsuit U.S.-based Isola USA Corp. had filed against TUC and alleged infringement by TUC.  The jury found that TUC had infringed the patents held by Isola USA Corp. (Isola) and that TUC’s infringement was not willful and also awarded Isola damages of USD13.83 million.

Isola has been initiating several actions against TUC over patent infringement for recent years.  In 2015, Isola filed a complaint against TUC over patent infringement and sought money damages of USD11.5 million.  In September of the same year, the jury sustained the occurrence of alleged infringement.  Further on March 20, 2016, the jury ruled that TUC infringed Isola’s patents and awarded Isola damages of USD13.83 million.  In response to the concerns that the damages payment might cause impact on TUC’s profits, TUC however indicated that they will furnish a security in equivalent amount to the awarded damages and file an appeal against the US district court ruling in favor of Isola, and also added that the ruling is not final and will have no material impact on their finance and business operation.  (March 2016)

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