Epistar filed a lawsuit against Epileds for patent infringement

E160308Y1・E160307Y1 Apr. 2016(E197)

Taiwan’s leading LED chip manufacturer, Epistar Corporation (“Epistar”) announced in a press release on corporate website on March 7, 2016 that they have filed a lawsuit against Epileds Co., Ltd. (“Epileds”) for the latter’s infringement upon Epistar’s patents by several kinds of infrared LED chip products.  Epileds replied that they have conducted evaluation and seen no occurrence of the alleged infringement and they will follow the legal proceedings to claim their rights. 

Epistar stressed in the press release that after their continued R&D efforts in optoelectronic semiconductor products, Epistar has developed and possessed the advanced manufacturing technology for ultra-high brightness LED chip and deployed patents in this technology and also has been leading the infrared LED sector for years.  They also feel regretful about the competitor’s disrespect for their IP rights by copying their patents without authorization and without making any R&D efforts to sell infringing products to downstream suppliers, for which infringement matter Epistar thus formally lodged a complaint against Epileds with the IP Court on January 8, 2016 for Epileds’ infringement upon Epistar’s invention patents Reg. No. 141155, 170789, 202662 and I283031 by Epileds’ LED products including “BN-D4242J-A3”, “BN-D4242E-A3” and other IR LED chip products.  (March 2016)

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