Taiwan-Poland PPH MOTTAINAI program commences

E170731Y1 Aug. 2017(E213)

 Taiwan and Poland have launched the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH MOTTAINAI) program since August 1, 2017, another new collaborative achievement subsequent to Taiwan IPO’s PPH cooperation with the US, Japan, Spain, and Korea. 

 The PPH cooperation between Taiwan IPO and PPO (Polish Patent Office) will accelerate the examination process of invention patent applications and patent granting in both Taiwan and Poland so as to facilitate applicants’ patent layout for business and innovation.  Under the Taiwan-Poland PPH MOTTAINAI program, an applicant who files a patent application for the same invention in both countries and obtains positive examination results from either patent office will be eligible for requesting for examination of PPH program with the other patent office to seek accelerated patent examination.  For instance, if a Taiwanese national files a patent application for an invention first with Taiwan IPO and later with the PPO and further receives a favorable decision given by the PPO, the applicant will be eligible to request for the PPH examination at Taiwan IPO.  To speed up patent examination process is why the PPH program is formulated and forged, and therefore, Taiwan IPO urges applicants of both countries to make more use of such a program.  (July 2017) 

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