Police seizes illicit STB involving more than one hundred million Taiwan dollars

E180616Y3 Jul. 2018(E224)
 Online provider of illicitly adapted set-top box, QBox (Chinese: 千尋盒子; hereinafter the “said set-top box”) sells the said set-top box and the service of allowing users to stream movies, live programs, and local or foreign TV dramas through the said set-top box, for which the online provider is accused of infringement by Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean TV stations.  After two-month investigation by searching the server rooms of relevant service providers, the police had seized more than 40 mainframes, hundreds of set-top boxes, mobile phones, computers, and accounting books as exhibits and interrogated a couple and set-top box providers and further referred them to the prosecutors office for copyright infringement and offense against morality.   

 According the police investigation results, the provider of QBox uses content delivery network to illegally reproduce and publicly transmit the contents of all kinds of movies, Japanese dramas, Korean dramas, and Taiwanese dramas under a disguised foreign IP address.  As the said set-top box costs less than TWD3,000 each and provides similar channels with pay TV channels for free, viewers have been gradually stop subscription-based television services, which poses a threat to the local industry of films and television and causes great loss over a hundred million Taiwan dollars.  (June 2018) 

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