Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology teams up with NVIDIA to develop AI innovation

E180604Y5・E180604Z5 Jul. 2018(E224)
 On June 4, 2018, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) announced that it is extending its cooperation with US-based NVIDIA to start in five major areas of supercomputing infrastructure, technology R&D, talent training, innovation training and cultivation, and innovation.  It is expected that the partnership with NVIDIA will create and sustain Taiwan’s vital role in the artificial intelligence technology and industrial supply chain around the world.  

 According to the MOST, the revolutionary GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) innovated and developed by NVIDIA serves as the technology that multiplies computing capacity to AI development and has been extensively used in AI applications by the industry as a crucial research breakthrough as it is frequently reported in leading scientific journals or periodicals.  

 Minister of MOST said that collaboration with international partners is the key to accelerating Taiwan’s AI innovation.  Ever since the Taiwan government’s announcement of its AI development policies, some multinational tech giants, including Microsoft, Google, Synopsys, in addition to NVIDIA, have been working with the MOST in AI technologies.  Among those tech heavyweights, NVIDIA has initiated cooperation with the MOST since October 2017 and also extended the cooperation in May 2018.  In the extended cooperation project, technology, talent, and innovation, among others will be the key areas to explore.  With Taiwan’s predominant position in semi-conductor industry and hardware supply chains, leading wafer technology, and strong competitiveness in information and engineering, the MOST’s collaboration with NVIDIA can ensure Taiwan’s position in the overwhelmingly technological wave.  Since 2017, the MOST has formulated AI development strategies and established a basic environment suitable for fostering AI-related research and development.  (June 2018) 
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