雙贏互惠 台義簽智財權備忘錄

C101104Z5 2010年12月號

 智慧財產局局長王美花於20101104與義大利經濟發展部專利商標局局長Avvo. Loredana GULINO在台北簽署「臺灣經濟部智慧財產局與義大利經濟發展部專利商標局間促進智慧財產權宣導與執行瞭解備忘錄」,義大利是繼法國、西班牙與捷克之後,我國在歐洲地區簽署雙邊瞭解備忘錄的第4個國家。
 為加強與歐洲國家之雙邊關係,智慧財產局近來積極推動與歐洲國家之交流合作,藉此拓展與歐洲國家間密切的合作關係。[2010-11-04 智慧局新聞稿] (2010.11)

Taiwan and Italy Signed MOU to Promote Awareness and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights
The “Memorandum of Understanding between the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office and the Directorate General for Combating Counterfeiting—Italian Patent and Trademark Office on the Common Purpose of Promoting the Awareness and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights” was signed on November 4, 2010 by TIPO Director General Mei-Hua Wang and Italian PTO Director General Loredana Gulino in Taipei. Italy is the fourth nation in the European region to have signed bilateral MOU with TIPO, following France, Spain and Czech Republic.
This MOU mainly covers promotion of reciprocal visits of staff representatives, exchange of good practices identified and implemented by each Office, organization of events, exchange of information, and provision of suitable channels for the dissemination of information and services to users of both Parties. We believe that the signing of this MOU will foster closer exchange and partnership between Taiwan and Italy, and further strengthen cooperation in innovation areas to promote economic prosperity and development in both nations.
TIPO has been active in recent years in the promotion of exchange and cooperation with European countries. Through the strengthening of bilateral relationships, we hope to expand and develop closer cooperation relationship with European nations. (2010.11)

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